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Vinod khanna is suffering from bladder cancer.

Vinod Khanna
Veteran Bollywood actor vinod khanna passed away on Thursday,He was 70.
The actor "was admitted to sir foundation hospital on Friday with severe dehydration. He is under the care of own doctors and has responded posilively to the treatment and is now stable "the hospital spokes person is family thanks his well-wishers for the good wishes and requests to respect their privacy "he added.The family is yet to respond to reports that claim he is suffering from cancer, but a picture of vinod khanna in the hospital is bring circulated on social media networks.
Vinod khanna, who is a sitting Bharatiya janata party member of the like sabha from the Gurdaspur constituency in Punjab."
Vinod khanna, 70,is hospitalused, while his son Rahul told media that he was hospitalised for dehydration, Reports now claim he is suffering from cencer.Vinod khanna three son's Rahul khanna,Akshaye khanna and Sakshi khanna, Daughter one name Shraddha khanna.
irrfan Khan is shocked to see vinod khanna, looking frail and weak in a new picture that surfaced on the international on Thursday, Actor irrfan Khan has wished speedy recovery to vinod khanna, My good wished and prayers with him.
Vinod khanna dead? Amitabh bachchans cryptic tweet on 'colleagues'passing away send social media into a tizzy!
The Internet was also flooded with false messages about his death, while none of it mattered with vinod khannans loyal fans choosing to not believe the death hoaxes but the tweet from none other than amitabh bachchan has left us puzzled,The two have worked in many films including "Muqaddar ka Sikander" "Khoon Pasina" "Amar Akbar Anthony" "Parvsarish" and "Hera Pheri".
Salman Khan who played vinod khanna's son in Prabhu Deva's film "Wanted" paid him a visit at the H.N.Reliance Foundation and research centre in Girgaum on Friday,The two have worked in many films including "Nishchaiy(1992)" "Wanted" "Dabangg" and Dabangg 2".


  1. Look and read bollywood actor Vinod khanna is suffering from cencer.


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